Saturday, April 28, 2012

Happy Birthday, Stipple!

Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of getting Stipple. Since Stipple's got a completely unknown background, and I have basically no idea how old he is, I'm considering this anniversary to be his birthday. Tomorrow, I'll give him a big slice of banana to celebrate. Today, I'll post some pictures to show how the year went.

When I first got Stipple, he was terrified and wary.
"I don't know who you are, or what you want." ~Stipple on his first day home

He would spend a lot of time relaxing far away from me, but where he could always see me.

Eventually, through the use of bribery with treats, and Stipple's realization that I feed him, Stipple started to not mind me coming to his cage.
Eventually, Stipple realized that humans weren't terrible. He started to come up on his own to investigate new humans.

And Stipple started to regularly check up on me, if I'd been studying too long without paying him enough attention.

Occasionally, he now shows overt affection without the use of bribery. 

Now he is my partner in crime, helping me study for my exams while keeping me sane.

Happy birthday, buddy. Picking you up right before finals last year was one of my best decisions. Thanks for a wonderful year.

Sunday, April 8, 2012