Thursday, May 10, 2012

Rabbit + Water + Soap = RAGE

Sometimes, Stipple gets stinky. This is to be expected, since he's not always the greatest at grooming himself. Usually, I just spritz him down with a waterless shampoo and comb him out. He dislikes this quite a bit, but will tolerate it. But this is not always enough. That's when Stipple gets a bath.

Stipple HATES baths. He starts to panic as soon as he hears the water running. This means that I have to use one hand to hold a squirming rabbit down in the tub while using the other hand to check the water temperature. After his initial squirm fest, Stipple tends to give passive resistance a try. So suddenly he goes incredibly still and starts to look like he's going into some sort of emotional shock. If you stop bathing him and release him even the slightest bit, he explodes into action, attempting to race out of the bathroom and leave soapy water and fur all around the apartment. Thankfully, he's not gotten out of the tub on any of these attempts. I've learned that I need to keep a firm hold on him while he's "shocky"(he's not really in shock, he's basically just playing dead), and get as much of the bath done while he's not putting up any resistance.

Usually the end result is this:

The world's angriest, cleanest, wettest rabbit.

He's raging out sooooo badly. He's probably going to cut me in my sleep one night...

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